Research Advisory Group

Community based research Advisory Group

The Loyan Foundation Research Advisory Group consists of researchers, educators, social workers, and community leaders who will be reviewing and providing feedback to support the development of our Community-based research toolkits. Feedback from members of this advisory group is crucial in ensuring that the content we input into our CBR toolkit accurately describes the landscape of community-based research and equitable partnerships when conducting research involving racialized communities as well as individuals who have experienced trauma, and live with mental health and/or face economic disparities.

Teaching our youth how to conduct equitable community research and how to engage community partners in research is crucial in helping our Black youth be able to investigate social issues that impact the Black community in Canada.

What will be done

  • Review and provide feedback on the basics and foundation of CBR
  • Review and provide feedback on CBR research design, methodology, ethics, and engagement in equitable partnerships with community leaders?
  • Review and provide feedback on key considerations to take into account when conducting research outside one’s own experience and community.
  • Participate in interviews with Loyan Foundation research interns on CBR best practices and best practices on community partnerships.

Time Commitment: 3.5hours per month. 

Supporting our CBR Advisory Group

  • Audio files of the CBR Toolkit will be sent to members of our Research advisory to make reviewing our CBR toolkit easier
  • Members of our advisory team will be assigned a section of the toolkit to review, this makes it easier than reviewing the whole document.

Acknowledgement Members of CBR Advisory Group

We are also going to recognize members of the CBR advisory group on our finalized toolkit as well as on social media and our newsletter. We greatly appreciate all members of our CBR advisory group for the generous donation of their time.


Improving the lifes of youth Creating Opportunities

Development of social skills.

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